First of all, what is a hematoma❓
A hematoma is a large, swollen bruise that is a pool of mostly clotted blood that forms under the skin.
Hematoma is rare after lip injections but can happen if a blood vessel is directly punctured and/or the client is on blood thinners.
Hematoma formation is a less severe complication of dermal filler and differs from a vascular occlusion in almost every possible way. ❌
Whilst it is vitally important that aesthetic practitioners identify skin ischaemia (caused by a vascular occlusion) and take action if they suspect this, it is also important that misdiagnosis is avoided so that perceived rates of skin ischaemia are not inflated and that unnecessary stress is not brought upon these practitioners and their clients.
So… what are the main differences? 🤔
🌡️ Warmth in the skin surrounding the hematoma.
😣 Tenderness in the area.
⚫️ Really dark bruising
🧊 Cool temperature to the affected area of your skin.
😓 Pain or discomfort at the site of the blockage.
⚪️ White spots (blanching).
At Faceworx, we understand the importance of identifying a vascular occlusion and know exactly what to do if we suspect this. Your safety is our main priority.

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